Mary Poppins | Musical Mary Poppins is an enchanting mixture of irresistible story, unforgettable songs, breathtaking dance numbers and astonishing stagecraft. This show is a perfect opportunity to showcase a strong, iconic female performer, as well as unique special...
Nuncrackers | Musical The Little Sisters of Hoboken are here to make your holiday season merry and bright! All the nuns you love, plus Father Virgil and four students, take the stage to celebrate the season with warmth and hilarity. Show Dates & Times December...
Godspell | Musical Godspell was the first major musical theatre offering from three-time Grammy and Academy Award winner, Stephen Schwartz (Wicked, Pippin, Children of Eden), and it took the world by storm. Led by the international hit, “Day by Day,”...
Charlotte’s Web | Musical This exciting, new musical version of Charlotte’s Web brings a new dimension to E.B. White’s beloved classic. With music and lyrics by Charles Strouse (Annie, ‘Bye, ‘Bye Birdie) and book by Joseph Robinette...
The Wizard of Oz | Musical We’re off to see the wizard! This beloved tale, in which a Kansas farm girl travels over the rainbow to discover the magical power of home, has entertained audiences for generations. Show Dates & Times Thursday, August 22 at...